Osteopathic Physician and Classical Homeopath



No matter how recent or how long ago it happened, no matter how minor or serious your injury – YOU CAN GET BETTER.

In my thirty-nine years as a physician, I have seen countless recoveries that seem miraculous. But not to me. For I know recovery comes from the body’s remarkable ability to heal with the right kind of help.

Sometimes patients walk into my office right after an injury. Working together we design an effective plan for their recovery. Unfortunately far too often I see patients months or years after an injury, when their health has been seriously compromised. They suffer from crippling headaches, debilitating fatigue, mysterious weight gain, insomnia, neck and back pain, sexual dysfunction, depression, anxiety, vertigo, memory problems, digestive problems, vision problems, immune disorders, heart arrhythmias, chronic pain, and a host of other maladies that seem to have appeared out of nowhere.

Most of the time no one realized there was any connection between the patients’ spiral of suffering and the injury that started it. Many of these patients have bounced from doctor to doctor, tried practitioners of every stripe, in a seemingly futile quest to get well. They are often dismissed by the medical profession as “head cases” whose suffering is imagined or emotionally based. These long-suffering victims often try to live a normal life while gallantly putting up with tremendous pain and dysfunction.

To me these gallant souls are not head cases. The consequences of traumatic injury on the human body and spirit can be insidious, causing problems far away from the site of the original insult, affecting almost any organ system, and throwing its victims into a spiral of loneliness, isolation, and despair.

Finally after a friend has pestered them long enough, they walk into my office. When I see them, they have despaired of ever feeling well.

None of it is necessary. Most of them can find profound relief with the right kind of treatment.


TRAUMA DOES THREE THINGS to your body that can, over time, devastate your health. Yet these three things are invisible to most people - including most medical practitioners.

Millions of years of evolution have designed our bodies to heal in the face of trauma. We have an ingenious autonomic nervous system that instantaneously switches on our “fight-or-flight” response in the face of danger; a complex immune system that is primed to seal off injured tissues from healthy ones and heal them; and a brilliantly engineered musculoskeletal system that can absorb and redistribute the tremendous forces to which our bodies are constantly subjected.

But sometimes the process of healing from injury goes powerfully awry.

•The life-saving fight-or-flight response of the autonomic nervous system fails to turn off.

•The inflammatory response essential for healing overwhelms the body’s ability to manage it.

•And the distortions forced upon the musculoskeletal system by trauma are too great for the body to accommodate.

When a patient shows up at my office after months or years of suffering, all too often I find that trauma has shocked their nervous system, fired up their inflammatory response and disrupted their structural integrity. The result can be a host of seemingly unrelated and surprising symptoms.

But once the patient unravels the journey that catapulted their body into suffering, their health dramatically improves. I know this because I have helped thousands of suffering patients, and because I have taken this journey myself.

Calm the nervous system, control inflammation and restore motion: these three things are critical to getting back your health.

Click on the links below to learn more about how I approach helping my patients heal from trauma.

More Information on How You Can Get Better

In Healing Pain and Injury, I have created a guide to healing from injury based on my 40 years of practice as an Osteopathic physician.